Discover the greatness of Japanese mayonnaise (Kewpie mayo)! Learn what makes Japanese mayonnaise a popular choice among chefs and home cooks.

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Aside from soy sauce, mirin, and sake, Japanese mayonnaise (マヨネーズ) is a pantry condiment widely used in Japanese cuisine. The Japanese love mayonnaise and we are proud of our version! It’s used in everything from salad dressings to sushi to rice bowls. 

What Is Japanese Mayo (Kewpie Mayo)?

Japanese mayonnaise refers to the Japanese version of the creamy condiment. Kewpie Mayo refers to a specific brand, just like Kleenex, a tissue paper brand.

To clarify, there are a few different brands of Japanese mayonnaise out there, but Kewpie is the oldest and most famous. The legendary Kewpie brand was created by Toichiro Nakashima in 1924 after discovering the condiment during his visit to the U.S. 

Because of its popularity—locally in Japan and overseas—Kewpie becomes the default term whenever someone talks about Japanese mayo. Here, I’ll be using both Japanese mayo and Kewpie mayo interchangeably. 

Kewpie mayo is known for its signature squeeze bottle with a narrow red tip, making it easy to spread. There is a recognizable Kewpie doll logo on the plastic cover.

What Does It Taste Like

It’s creamy, smooth, sweet, and slightly tangy from the rice vinegar.

How Is Japanese Mayonnaise Different from American or European Mayonnaise?

It all starts with the eggs. Japanese mayonnaise uses only egg yolks instead of whole eggs, which are typically used in regular mayonnaise. Fresh free-range eggs are the core ingredient in making superior mayonnaise. The high-quality, full-fat egg yolks yield a rich, savory flavor, deep cream color, and smooth, creamy texture. 

The addition of rice vinegar results in a balanced flavor that comes with a hint of fruity sweetness. On the contrary, American mayonnaises utilize distilled vinegar, which creates a more pronounced acidic taste. 

On the Kewpie website, the company also highlights its unique emulsification process using specialized proprietary machinery that whips the blend of egg yolks, vinegar, and oil until they reach the best consistency that is thick and ultra-creamy. 

All these (subtle) differences are what make Japanese mayo so good. 

Where To Buy

You can easily find Kewpie mayo at any Japanese or Asian grocery store or online, such as Amazon, Weee!, or the Kewpie website. You can also find Kewpie mayonnaise in North America at mainstream grocery stores such as Costco, Walmart, and select Target stores. Internationally, you can find it available at Daiso. 

The original Japan-made Kewpie mayo adds monosodium glutamate (MSG), but the American-made version does not contain it. 

These days, you can even find different flavors of Japanese Kewpie mayo, such as spicy mayo, wasabi mayo, and lemonaise. 

How To Store

You can store an unopened bottle for 12 months in a dark, dry, cool place. For the best quality, consume it within a month after opening. However, I’ve used my opened bottle for months, which still tastes great. I prefer to place it at the back of the fridge and not by the refrigerator door, so it is less exposed to air. Check the color and smell if it’s been stored in the fridge for a long time. 

Kewpie Japanese Mayonnaise | Easy Japanese Recipes at


Add sugar and rice vinegar in a pinch to make Kewpie mayo with regular mayo. It will not be the same as it lacks the rich egg yolk flavors, but this is the closest substitution.

For 1 cup of American mayonnaise (I use Best Foods/Hellmann’s Mayonnaise), add 2 Tbsp rice vinegar and 1 Tbsp sugar. Whisk until sugar dissolves.

For 1 Tbsp of American mayonnaise, add 1/2 tsp rice vinegar and 1/8 tsp sugar. Whisk until the sugar dissolves.

Homemade Japanese Mayonnaise Recipe:

A mason jar containing homemade Japanese mayonnaise (kewpie mayo).

Wish to make Japanese mayonnaise? Check out my homemade Japanese mayonnaise recipe.


Q: Is Kewpie mayo gluten-free?

A: Yes, Kewpie Japanese mayonnaise is gluten-free. 

Q: Is Japanese mayo vegan?

A: No, Japanese mayo contains egg yolk.

Q: Does Kewpie mayo have to be refrigerated?

As the mayo contains eggs, it is best to refrigerate the bottle after opening. 

Q: What makes Kewpie mayo so good? Why does it get such rave reviews from the culinary world?

Kewpie company contends that its mayonnaise is full of umami, which translates to deliciousness. It’s received such a following that we even have specialty Kewpie mayo cafes in Japan.

And, of course, there is a Kewpie mayo museum dedicated to the condiment, where you can learn all things Kewpie. 

Recipes Using Japanese Mayo

A white plate containing a Dragon Roll.

You can use Japanese mayo on just about anything for burgers, sandwiches, or potato salads. It’s fantastic on fried food, refreshing salads, or even on pizza! It is also amazing as a base for creamy dressing or to slather on the bread for grilled cheese.

Beyond the usual suspects, it is also widely enjoyed in many unique Japanese dishes. Some delicious recipes include:

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