Used for Yakisoba and Takoyaki, red pickled ginger or Beni Shoga is julienned ginger pickled in plum vinegar, the brine produced during the Umeboshi making.

Kizami Beni Shoga (Pickled Ginger) | Easy Japanese Recipes at

What is Pickled Ginger (Beni Shoga)

Red Pickled Ginger or Beni Shoga (紅生姜) is julienned young ginger pickled in plum vinegar (梅酢), which is the brine produced during umeboshi (pickled plum) making.

The natural red color is from red shiso leaves (Perilla) added to the brine for umeboshi. The store-bought red pickled ginger tends to have a vivid red color, which is artificial coloring (see picture above).

Kizami Beni Shoga (Pickled Ginger) | Easy Japanese Recipes at

How to Use

Red pickled ginger is often used as a part of an ingredient in Okonomiyaki and as a garnish on Takoyaki and Yakisoba, and donburi (rice bowl dishes) like Gyudon.

The tangy and crunchy ginger gives refreshing taste and texture when you have salty, sweet, or heavy foods.

A bowl containing simmered beef over steamed rice.

How to Make It From Scratch

You can make the Homemade Beni Shoga (Red Pickled Ginger) if you can find young ginger. It’s very simple and easy to make!

Mason jars containing beni shoga (Japanese red pickled ginger).

Pickled Sushi Ginger

Gari (がり) or sushi ginger is another type of pickled ginger.

A ceramic bowl containing freshly made Pickled Sushi Ginger (Gari).

Sushi Ginger (Gari)

Recipes Using Red Pickled Ginger (Kizami Beni Shoga)

A white plate containing Okonomiyaki, Japanese savory pancake.


A white plate containing Yakisoba (Japanese Stir Fry Noodles).


A white plate containing Takoyaki (Octopus Balls) topped with a generous drizzle of takoyaki sauce, Japanese mayo, aonori, katsuobushi.


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