Let’s enjoy a bowl of miso soup every day! Here is the collection of our easy and seasonal miso soup recipes, from the classic Tofu and Wakame to summertime favorite Tomato Miso Soup.

Japanese people drink a bowl of miso soup every day, sometimes even twice a day. We believe that consuming miso soup is a home remedy that keep us strong, hydrated, and nourished. Our enthusiasm for it never wanes because we make miso soup with ingredients that are often seasonal. It serves as a reminder of the changing seasons and a way to express gratitude for nature’s bounty.

Since the 30th day (三十日) is read as misoka (みそか) in Japanese, the Japan Federation of Miso Manufacturers established this day as Miso Day (味噌の日). Starting this year (2024), I’ll be sharing one miso soup recipe on the 30th of every month and adding it to this JOC Miso Soup Recipes list.

I encourage you to try them out as we welcome each season with the freshest produce. Miso soup is versatile—enjoy it for breakfast, as a light lunch, or as part of your Ichiju Sansai (one soup, three dishes) dinner. From the classic Tofu and Wakame Miso Soup to the summertime favorite Tomato and Tofu Miso Soup, we’re going to have fun discovering the myriad ways of making miso soup!

🌸 Refreshing Miso Soup for Spring

White ceramic bowls containing Bacon Asparagus Miso Soup topped with a slice of butter.

🌻 Light Miso Soup for Summer

A cobalt blue ceramic bowl containing cold miso soup (hiyajiru) with tofu, cucumber, and salmon).

🍂 Hearty Miso Soup for Autumn

Japanese wooden bowls containing Nameko Mushroom Miso Soup.

❄️ Cozy Miso Soup for Winter

Tonjiru (Pork and Vegetable Soup) served with grilled salmon, steamed rice, and vegetable side dishes.

Year-Round Classic Miso Soup

Homemade instant miso soup in mason jars.

Miso Soup Video

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JOC Goods, our new online shop, offering Japanese tableware and kitchenware, is now open. It is a natural extension of Just One Cookbook’s mission to teach home cooks how to prepare and enjoy delicious Japanese meals. We believe that beautifully plated food can bring joy and happiness to people’s lives.

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I am so glad i discoved your channel, so many recipes and your instructions very easy to follow, exellent videos and tasty food. Fell in love with all kind of miso soups, pickled veggies. It is now must have for me. I bougth a bottle of japanese smoked soy sauce from small brewery inTatsuno. Can you please tell what dishes i shoud cook with it? Thank you so much for sharring the recipes with us and please keep your work going. All the best from Canada!

Hi, Nataliya! Thank you for your sweet feedback! It made our day!
Nami has a collection of recipes that use smoked soy sauce in this post.
We hope this is helpful!😊